Even after serving her sentence of probation, Jane was not allowed to go to her church, was forced out of the urban area where she grew up and lived her whole life. She was not allowed to visit her family, go to school plays for her children or attend their soccer games at the local park district. Every year she had to provide the police her name, address, current photo, employment status and to provide a DNA sample. Her employer was contacted by the police and as a result she became unemployed. All of this because late at night on the way home from a bar in her 20s she chose to relieve herself in a park, she was charged with public indecency and classified as a sex offender.
Even after you serve your time and complete your sentence for a sex crimes conviction, you will still be required to follow the requirements of the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act. Generally, this law requires you to register as a sex offender, and there are serious consequences for failing to do so. Any violation of the law, whether it is a mistake or not, is itself a crime that is separate from the previous offense. A conviction for failure to register or follow other requirements could mean more jail time, fines, and other penalties. You should consult with an experienced Illinois criminal defense attorney about your situation, but an overview of the laws may also help.
Illinois Laws on Registration: Like other states, Illinois’ sex crimes laws are meant to protect the public from sex offenders or predators. Anyone convicted of a qualifying crime, including the attempt to commit a listed offense, must follow registration requirements. For example, the following crimes are subject to registration:
- Child pornography and other offenses related to juveniles;
- Criminal sexual abuse;
- Aggravated criminal sexual assault;
- Sexual misconduct with a disabled person;
- Traveling to meet a minor; and,
- Many more.
Registration as a sex offender means you must provide certain information to officials in the city where you live. The law requires you to give:
- A current picture;
- Your address and all contact information;
- Details of your employment or school;
- All online profiles, social media details, identities, email addresses, and electronic forms of communication;
- Additional details regarding your online usage;
- Information about the sex crime, such as the county, age of the victim, and other details;
- License plate numbers; and,
- Other information stated by law.
Sanctions for Failure to Register
Any violation of sex offender registration laws in Illinois carries significant penalties. Your parole or conditional release may be revoked, putting you back in jail. You could be convicted of a Class 3 Felony for failure to register according to the relevant time limits, which means you could be imprisoned for two to five years. For purposes of the law, you must register within three days after relocation and annually if you have not moved.
A second offense for failure to register is a Class 2 Felony, with a mandatory minimum of three years in jail and maximum of seven. Plus, your registration period could be extended. By law, you must register annually for 10 years, which a judge could increase for a violation of registration requirements.
Call an Illinois Criminal Defense Attorney to Discuss Your Options
Regardless of an arrest for failing to register or other alleged violations of law, you are entitled to your day in court. With the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer, you can work out a solid defense strategy and obtain the best possible outcome. For more information, please call 847.577.8700 to reach the offices of Glasgow & Olsson. You can also schedule a consultation by going online to fill out a contact form. Our legal team can review your case and tell you more about options to fight charges of failure to register as a sex offender.
(image courtesy of Jack Finnigan)