Most people think of stalking as a shady person following you in the night or perhaps hiding near your house, physically invading your privacy. But in the digital age of social media, there are more ways an individual can be harassed. The state of Illinois recognizes cyberstalking as a legitimate form of stalking, so if you feel that you are being harassed, you should follow the appropriate processes for a Stalking No Contact Order (SNC) or an Order of Protection(OP). If you are being repeatedly contacted through direct messages, Facebook posts, or any other form of social media communication, you have the right to seek legal action. These are legitimate forms of stalking. Cyberstalking is explicitly mentioned in the Illinois Statutes, so do not hesitate to pursue legal action against cyberstalkers.
What Do I Need to Prove In a Cyberstalking Case?
Since Cyberstalking is considered indistinct from real stalking, Illinois law defines cyberstalking in the same way as offline stalking. Illinois defines stalking as:
- Knowingly engaging in behavior that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others.
- Knowingly surveilling someone without their consent or legal authority on at least two occasions and creating fear or anxiety in the victim
- Confining or restraining a victim without cause or permission
To prove that cyberstalking occurred, the petitioner for an OP or SNC would have to provide a detailed account of behaviors that would satisfy one of the above conditions. The most important of these criteria would be the first, as it is most relevant to cyberstalking cases. Accordingly, the most important thing you will need to prove in a cyberstalking case is that the stalker’s behavior has caused you to feel threatened.
Professional Legal Help in Cyberstalking Cases
Though cyberstalking does qualify as real stalking and can be just as dangerous as other forms of stalking, courts may not take the threat as seriously as they should. It is important to get professional help in cyberstalking cases. You need an advocate on your side who can argue in your interest and make sure your feelings of safety are adequately prioritized. There may be an implicit tendency not to take cyberstalking cases as seriously as physical cases, so make sure to obtain as much advocacy as possible from the get-go.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer Today
It is important to get professional help in matters involving your safety. Do not delay in acquiring legal help from our law offices. Glasgow & Olsson is uniquely qualified to help, especially if you have found yourself a victim of online harassment and stalking which has made you fear for your safety or the safety of others. When you need an attorney, experience matters. Contact us today to learn how our experience can get you the results you deserve.