If you are seeking out an Order of Protection or a Stalking No Contact order, you may be overwhelmed already. Feeling threatened and fearful for your safety or the safety of a dependent loved one is not always conducive to the kind of clear-headed presentation of evidence and the testimony that you will have to make for yourself or a loved one. Even if you are initially seeking an emergency order of protection, you will likely eventually seek out a plenary order of protection and when it becomes necessary you will have no choice but to confront your abuser in court. Enlisting the services of a qualified attorney from the outset can make sure that you have an important guide and ally on your side.
If you have been issued an order of protection or a summons to defend yourself at a hearing, you should contact an experienced lawyer immediately, as there are steps that can be taken early on to minimize the impact on you and your family. We have experience as both defense and prosecution attorneys and our substantial knowledge can help you achieve a positive outcome in trial.
Restraining Order Hearings Can be Stressful
The fact of the matter is that a restraining order hearing, no matter the type, can be an emotionally draining and harrowing experience. This emotional strain is no secondary concern, either, because your composure in court will impact your credibility and your ability to present and explain critical evidence. Relying on an experienced attorney will take some of this burden off of your shoulders. Having someone on your side to mount a defense or help you present evidence and structure your case will raise your chances of success exponentially.
We can allay your trial anxiety or fear together and guide the hearing and any relevant paperwork directly to the ideal conclusion.
Restraining Order Trial Outcomes Can Change Your Life Forever
Orders of Protection or Stalking No Contact Order hearings are life-changing court proceedings both for victims and for respondents. If you are the respondent in a hearing, being issued an OP or SNC will impact nearly all facets of your life. Your freedom will be severely impacted and your moral character will be in question, especially for employment opportunities or career advancement. If you are a victim, the hearing will impact whether you are safe and protected or vulnerable to harm. Hearings should not be taken lightly and all avenues of assistance should be pursued.
Contact an Experienced Lawyer Today
It is important to get professional help in matters involving your safety. Glasgow & Olsson is uniquely qualified to help in your order of protection-related cases. If you need help defending yourself in a plenary hearing where you feel you are innocent, we have extensive experience mounting a defense. If you need help petitioning and providing evidence at a hearing, we have the experience. When you need an attorney, experience matters. Contact us today to learn how our experience can get you the results you deserve.