You are married to a spouse you love. You have three wonderful children. You own a lovely home in Barrington.
Just assume that every single one of the above is true, as per this scenario.
Right after you assume that the above is true, assume that the following is also true: your life – and, in turn, your marriage – looks perfect on the outside.
But, in the end, it isn’t; you are lonely, and your spouse isn’t giving you the intimacy you need. Even more than that, though, your spouse has no intentions of doing so, despite what you have told them.
You know that things aren’t going to change. And, so, instead of letting yourself stay stuck, you choose to divorce your spouse and start off the New Year with a fresh slate.
Right before you can do that, though, there are several things you must sort out.
Marital Property Division
The state of Illinois practices equitable distribution.
If you divorce your spouse, then you and your spouse will both receive a fair share of the marital property.
A fair share is not an equal share.
You may have contributed far more to the marriage than your spouse – raising the children, for example – and, if that is the case, a fair share can entail receiving more marital property than your spouse.
To obtain the best marital property division outcome, you can work with a lawyer who will clarify the effort you put into the marriage and, in turn, what you are entitled to.
A wide variety of factors determine maintenance.
Out of all these factors, though, the three most notable are as follows: the length of your marriage, your financial circumstances, and the financial situation of your spouse.
Our Barrington divorce attorneys at Glasgow & Olsson will carefully assess your situation to ensure that you obtain the best maintenance arrangement.
Right after doing so, we will make a case that a favorable maintenance arrangement is appropriate due to the length of your marriage and your financial situation, among other relevant factors.
If you obtain a favorable maintenance arrangement, you will be able to offset some of the financial consequences of divorce, as well as the uncertainty that can arise from such things.
Child Custody
Out of all the factors that comprise divorce, child custody may very well be one of the most complicated.
Even so, though, you can obtain a favorable child custody arrangement.
You must work with a lawyer to do this, and, if possible, you must also work closely with your spouse.
If you and your spouse come to a favorable arrangement, then things can proceed. But, if you don’t, further legal complications will arise, although these can be sorted out.
The same rule applies to child support and other child-related legal matters.
Get Qualified Legal Help
If you would like to obtain a divorce in Illinois, then Glasgow & Olsson is uniquely qualified to assist you.
When you need an attorney, experience matters.
Speak with one of the Barrington divorce lawyers at Glasgow & Olsson today, and we will help you obtain the best possible divorce outcome.