If you bring a weapon into an airport, you could face some very serious consequences. None of these consequences are pleasant, and if you are convicted of the charges that come from this act, your life could change for the worse.
Discussing the consequences of accidentally bringing your weapon into an airport and speaking with an experienced Schaumburg criminal defense attorney at Glasgow & Olsson will help you obtain the “Not Guilty” verdict you want.
What Are The Criminal Consequences of Accidentally Bringing Your Weapon Into An Airport?
If you accidentally bring your weapon into an airport, you run the risk of being charged with the unlawful use of a weapon. A concealed carry violation could strengthen this particular charge.
A person charged with unlawfully using a weapon could be convicted of a Class 4 felony. If they are, they risk being sentenced to one to three years in prison, on top of other penalties.
In the event that this person is only charged with a concealed carry violation, as opposed to the unlawful use of a weapon, they could be convicted of a Class A misdemeanor. This could lead to up to one year in jail and the loss of your concealed carry license.
Other consequences could arise, depending on the facts of the case. If someone is found with an illegal weapon that also happens to be loaded, for example, they could face even stronger consequences such as aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.
None of these consequences are pleasant. For this reason, if you accidentally bring a weapon into an airport, you must work with an attorney who can help you obtain the legal outcome you deserve.
What Are The Civil Consequences Of Accidentally Bringing Your Weapon Into An Airport?
Every airport in the United States relies on the Transportation Security Administration – or “TSA” – to screen passengers and their baggage.
If you accidentally bring your weapon into an airport, and the TSA catches you doing so, they could impose civil penalties that you must pay.
Just as an example, if you bring an unloaded gun into the airport, the TSA could fine you up to $17,062 and revoke your TSA status for 5 years. That fine is separate and apart from any criminal charges and that’s just per violation: if you are accused of other violations, those fees could grow by quite a bit.
You always have the ability to contest these penalties. Doing so on your own is inadvisable, though, due to the overall complexity of the process. This is why you should work with an attorney who can help you.
How Can An Attorney Help You?
A good attorney will help you by developing an effective defense that engages with every aspect of your case. Doing so will help you obtain the verdict you are seeking.
For example, if you accidentally brought a weapon into the airport, and it was both unloaded and in a safe place, they will use this fact to aid your defense.
The criminal and civil consequences of bringing your weapon into the airport, even as an accident, are remarkably stringent. As such, it is of the utmost importance that you work with an attorney who can help you.
Get Qualified Legal Help
If you need representation for a criminal charge, Glasgow & Olsson is uniquely qualified to help you.
Our team has helped thousands of people who have been charged with crimes in Illinois. When we take cases, we do so to win. This means we take cases to trial. We don’t arrange plea bargains unless it is in the best interest of our clients. As proactive lawyers, we fight aggressively and support our clients throughout their entire case up to and including appeals. Protecting your life and freedom is always the goal, and with our decades of experience practicing law, we know how to get results. This is why we are regularly invited to appear as a legal contributor on popular radio and news outlets, including ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, and Fox NEWS.
When you need an attorney, experience matters.
Speak with a Chicago criminal defense attorney today to learn how our experience can help you get the results you need.