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Understanding the Collateral Consequences of Driving Under the Influence

posted on 9/25/14

Conventional wisdom understands that driving under the influence (DUI) is a risky endeavor. Not only does it endanger the lives of you and everyone around you, but it also carries criminal penalties. A person convicted of a DUI in Illinois could face jail time, a monetary fine, and a loss of driving privileges. If you are a repeat offender, or if your actions resulted in another person’s injury or death, the penalties increase. There are also collateral damages that result...

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Schaumburg Criminal Lawyer Named Top 10 Attorney in Illinois

posted on 9/23/14

The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has named Schaumburg criminal defense lawyer Thomas Glasgow as a Top 10 Attorney in Illinois. Schaumburg criminal defense lawyer Thomas T. Glasgow has been recognized as a Top 10 criminal lawyer in the state of Illinois by the American Institute for Criminal Law Attorneys (AIOCLA). Glasgow is among only nine other attorneys who have been named to the Illinois “10 Best” Attorney list compiled by the AIOCLA. The AIOCLA recognizes criminal defense attorneys that have...

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You Must Act Quickly if Facing a Statutory Summary Suspension

posted on 9/19/14

Driving under the influence (DUI)–whether of alcohol, illegal drugs or a different intoxicating substance–is a serious offense that carries consequences. Aside from possible criminal charges, you could also lose your driving privileges. If you are pulled over for a moving violation in Illinois with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 percent or higher, the officer may immediately suspend your driver’s license. The officer may also suspend your license if you refuse to take a chemical test. This is called...

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New Law Simplifies Procedure for Calculating Maintenance Payments

posted on 9/15/14

Illinois recently enacted a law that will simplify the process for determining alimony–the amount of money one spouse pays to the other after a divorce or separation. Before the change, a judge would determine the divorce alimony (or maintenance) payments based on multiple factors, including: Each spouse’s income and assets; Each spouse’s present and future income earning capacity; Whether one spouse’s future employment opportunities might be impaired because he or she delayed his/her own education or employment for the spouse,...

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How to Interact with Police Officers

posted on 9/5/14

Encounters with the police can be intimidating, even when you have done nothing wrong. Whether the police are investigating a crime scene or patrolling a neighborhood, remember that they are simply doing their job. Nevertheless, it is important to understand your rights. For example, just because an officer has the right to ask you questions does not mean you have a duty to answer them. Or just because an officer has the right to knock on your door does not...

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Telephone Harassment and Stalking are Common Forms of Domestic Violence

posted on 8/27/14

When you think of a domestic violence crime, you probably imagine physical violence: perhaps a person beating his or her significant other, or maybe a parent abusing his or her children. The law, however, does not limit the parameters of domestic violence to physical abuse. In fact, you might not be aware that telephone harassment is a common form of domestic violence in Illinois. (This includes other electronic communications such as text messages, email, and Facebook messages.) Repeatedly calling an...

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Search Warrants and Warrantless Searches of Your Home

posted on 8/21/14

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guards against unreasonable searches and seizures. What constitutes reasonableness has been the subject of many court battles, and the answer to that question depends on the nature of the search. For example, a search is reasonable when a person consents to it or when a person has no reasonable expectation of privacy (like with garbage you leave outside of your house). Generally, the police must obtain a warrant to search your home because...

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Certain State and Federal Crimes Carry Mandatory Minimum Sentences

posted on 8/15/14

Mandatory sentencing is a hot-button issue that incites heated debate along the political spectrum. Opponents argue that it unfairly limits judicial discretion and prevents judges from considering mitigating factors on a case-by-case basis. Proponents argue that it ensures uniformity in sentencing and ultimately reduces crime. However, no matter the merits or disadvantages of mandatory sentencing, it is a reality in both the federal and Illinois criminal justice systems. Illinois Supreme Court Bans Mandatory Minimums for Certain Juvenile Offenders A mandatory...

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Illinois Investigates and Disciplines Malfeasance by Licensed Professionals

posted on 8/10/14

Earning and maintaining a professional license–such as a medical, dental, nursing or veterinary license–is a huge accomplishment. However, it is also a major responsibility. Due to the nature of these professions (and the corresponding trust that consumers place in these professionals), the government provides oversight to ensure the public’s well-being. The Illinois Division of Professional Regulation licenses and oversees almost one million professionals in the state. With that many professionals to oversee, the Division needs consumers to report any incidents...

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Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection in Illinois

posted on 7/29/14

Some reports suggest that domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United States. Considering those statistics, it is no surprise that Illinois law takes the issue very seriously. The Illinois Domestic Violence Act recognizes that all citizens deserve to feel safe in their own home and seek to fairly protect those hurt in this manner. As part of the law, victims of domestic violence may seek an order of protection (colloquially known as a restraining...

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Thomas Glasgow Presents a Check to Neil Scheufler, Acting Executive Director of Metropolis

posted on 7/23/14

Metropolis, located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, has become well-known in the northwest suburban communities for providing leading venues for quality programming. The Metropolis complex contains a 350 seat theater, four classrooms, and 13 musician’s studios. They offer surrounding communities the changes to view some of Chicago’s most talented performers, as well as acts from across the nation. Metropolis was founded in May 2000 as a for-profit organization but completed its nonprofit 501(c)(3) status in April 2002. Since then, Metropolis has looked...

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Understanding How Illinois Law Classifies a Criminal Conspiracy

posted on 7/15/14

Next year is the 150th anniversary of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. History tells us that this tragedy resulted from a conspiracy hatched by Confederate sympathizers. The most famous conspirator–and Lincoln’s assassin–is John Wilkes Booth, but several others played a major role in advancing the plot. The conspirators intended to assassinate four Union officials that night, including Secretary of State William Seward, who received serious stab wounds from his would-be assassin. Ultimately, even though the conceived plot fell short...

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What Constitutes a Domestic Violence Crime in Illinois?

posted on 7/7/14

Illinois classifies certain violent actions committed against family or household members as domestic violence crimes. A “family or household member” is a special classification, which refers specifically to: Current or former spouses; People related by blood or marriage, including parents, children and stepchildren; People who currently share or formerly shared a dwelling; People with a child in common; People who are dating or engaged; and People with disabilities and their caregivers. The law takes these crimes seriously. In addition to...

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Dividing Marital Property after Divorce: Illinois and Equitable Division

posted on 6/26/14

In community property states, marital property is split 50/50 between divorcing parties. That is not the case in Illinois, which is an equitable division state. Illinois law recognizes that the value of a party’s contribution to the marriage should affect the value of property that the party is entitled to if the marriage ends. Thus, “equitable” is not synonymous with equal. In fact, Illinois treats marriage almost like a business partnership. More specifically, Illinois considers marriage to be a “joint...

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Making the Best Custody Arrangement for Your Family

posted on 6/17/14

Almost 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce, which affects 1.5 million children every year. Studies show that the greater the conflict between parents during and after divorce, the more difficult it is for kids to adjust to the split. One particular source of conflict arises when parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement. Unfortunately, contentious custody battles heighten tensions and thus exacerbate the problem. While the court will determine what custody arrangement will serve the best interests...

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