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How to Protect Yourself From a Marijuana-Related DUI

posted on 6/15/19

The Illinois Senate passed a law that legalizes the recreational use of marijuana after January 1, 2020. The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act authorizes the "use of cannabis" for "persons 21 years of age or older and should be taxed like alcohol." Now anyone over the age of 21 and a citizen of Illinois can possess up to 30 grams of cannabis legally. Non-residents may only legally possess up to 15 grams. Residents may lawfully possess one ounce of a...

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New Illinois Law Legalizes Recreational Marijuana Use

posted on 6/15/19

The Perry County Police Department arrested a man for possession of marijuana in May of 2019, two weeks before legalizing marijuana possession throughout the state. The man who was arrested had less than 10 grams of marijuana in his possession when he was arrested. A new Illinois law that goes into effect January 1, 2020, decriminalizes possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana for Illinois Citizens and possession of 15 grams of less for non-citizens of Illinois. Under the...

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I Need an Order of Protection but I do Not Know Where to Start

posted on 6/8/19

You have been with your partner for years, while you feel you have experienced more bad with them than good. Your partner habitually hurls insults at you, acts out in jealousy, and has a generally explosive temper. You sense that your partner seeks to isolate you from your family and friends. You are beginning to fear for your safety, but you are not sure what to do or how to get out of a bad situation. Did you know that...

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What is the Difference Between a Criminal and Civil Order of Protection?

posted on 6/8/19

Your marriage has been rocky lately. You seem to fight about every little thing, and last night the fight seemed to reach a new level of intensity. You and your partner both said and did things you now regret, but in the harsh light of morning, you discover that your partner has filed an order of protection against you. What happens now? You may be worried about your future. You may be embarrassed and not know how to respond. Perhaps...

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Decatur Woman Arrested for Domestic Battery After Whipping Daughter With a Belt

posted on 6/1/19

On May 16, 2019, Decatur police arrested a mother who used a belt to whip her 17-year-old daughter after finding her in bed with her boyfriend. Police found belt-like welts and bruises on both of the girl’s arms. The Illinois domestic battery victim told the police that her mother made her stay home from school for two days to let her injuries heal. The Macon County Jail released the mother on $5,000 bail. Illinois Domestic Battery Law An Illinois domestic...

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Fighting False Domestic Battery Charges During a Divorce

posted on 6/1/19

George and Irene own a cozy bungalow on the outskirts of the city. They have been married for a year after a whirlwind courtship and their relationship is rocky, at best. When Irene discovers that George is cheating on her, she is outraged. She files for divorce a few weeks later. George is furious, and the two argue extensively over who will get to keep the house. Irene has a lower-paying job than George, massive student debt and no family...

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Aggravated Battery on a Police Officer in Illinois

posted on 5/25/19

Aggravated battery on a police officer is a serious crime anywhere, but in Illinois, these charges are taken particularly seriously. If you have been charged with aggravated battery on a police officer, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to assist you in crafting your defense because you are facing significant penalties if convicted. What is Aggravated Battery on a Police Officer? A simple battery occurs when someone “causes bodily harm to an individual” or “makes physical contact of an...

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What is Domestic Battery in Illinois?

posted on 5/25/19

Domestic battery charges are quite serious in Illinois. Even if a victim chooses not to press charges, state prosecutors may still pursue the case. If you have been charged with domestic battery in Illinois, it is important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side because you may be facing serious penalties. What Constitutes Domestic Battery? The crime of domestic battery in Illinois occurs when a person causes a family or household member bodily harm or perpetrates insulting...

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Illinois Appellate Court Rules on the Meaning of Timely Hearing for Driver’s License Suspension

posted on 5/18/19

In Illinois, if the state charges you with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), your driver's license might be summarily suspended. Defendants can petition the court to rescind the suspension of their driver’s license so that they can drive again at a Hearing before the Court or a Secretary of State Hearing. What happens when the state does not provide a timely hearing? The Appellate Court of Illinois recently addressed this precise issue in People v. Patel, 2019 IL...

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What is a Temporary Visitor’s Driver’s License in Illinois?

posted on 5/10/19

Every Illinois resident is required by law to have a driver’s license or a government-issued Photo ID. Before 2005, Illinois residents who did not have a social security number could not acquire a driver’s license. In 2005, Illinois changed this policy to allow documented immigrants who have visas to obtain a Temporary Visitor’s Driver’s License (TVDL) as long as they had a proper visa. This new law allowed spouses and children of temporary workers, long-term visitors, and international students to...

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Corporal Punishment in Schools

posted on 4/26/19

Long gone are the days of paddling in schools, but some levels of corporal punishment are still acceptable under both Illinois and federal law. The issue of corporal punishment in schools is quite complex, raising multiple constitutional questions. It is even more complicated given the fact that there are different standards that apply according to U.S. constitutional precedent and state statutory law. An Illinois school law attorney can provide specific information, but some answers to frequently asked questions may be...

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